
Are All Religions Equal or Is there Supremacy of One Religion over Other Religions? - Dr Zakir Naik

Are All Religions Equal or Is there Supremacy of One Religion over Other Religions? - Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: Good evening and Assalamu Alaikum to everyone. I am a councilor Naveen Shah, leader of Harrow Council; I’d like to give a very warm welcome to Zakir Bhai on behalf of Harrow Council and multicultural, multi-faith community of Harrow. You are very-very welcome. Since I am limited to one question, I will follow the discipline. It’s been a very thought provocating address, I am very grateful for that. You have analyzed to some degree of detail various religions the Islam, the Hinduism, Judaism and even Atheist. Is it a question of equality of religions or do you reckon that there is a case for supremacy of one religion against another? Thank you.

Dr. Zakir: The Brother’s asked a very good question that is there a question of supremacy of one religion over the other religions.

Basically what is the meaning of the word religion? Religion means a way of life. I rather believe what the Qur’an says rather than talking about supremacy the Qur’an says “Ta`alaw 'Ilá Kalimatin Sawa'in Baynana Wa Baynakum”, Come to common terms as between us and you. If there is a question of supremacy then each one will try and prove that his religion is the best. So rather the Qur’an advices when we speak with people following other religions is “Ta`alaw 'Ilá Kalimatin Sawa'in Baynana Wa Baynakum”, Come to common terms as between us and you. So I personally disagree with the interfaith dialogues that take place normally in the world. Normally what happens that there is a person coming from the Christian faith, priest and commenting that all religions are the same, Christianity is the same, Hinduism is the same, Islam is the same. Then you have a Hindu Pandit coming and saying Hinduism is also correct and same, Islam is the same, Christianity is same, then they get joker Muslim who comes and says that Islam is the same, Hinduism is the same, Christianity is same. See I being a student of Islam and comparative religion, it’s a big lie to say that all religions are the same, there are commonalities but they aren’t the same, there are differences, I can talk more about the differences than the similarities; but the Qur’an encourages to talk about similarities. What my strategy is brother that I tell that at least let us agree that one religious scripture is 100% perfect. So the Christian will say “Fine I don’t mind believing that Bible is 100% the word of God.” The Hindu would say “I would not mind believing the Vedas to be the word of God.” the Muslim will say “I don’t mind considering Qur’an to be the word of God.” I am not trying to put anything on top of somebody’s head; I’m not going to put anything down their throat.

Now what I say that what is common in all these scriptures at least let us agree to follow that strictly. What is different we’ll discuss it later on. So when we come and we try and find commonalities in all these scriptures we find that the commonality is the same all of the religious scriptures say believe in one God. I gave you references from the Bible. Bible, Moses (pbuh) said in the Book of Deuteronomy ch. no. 6 verse no. 4 'Shama Israelo Adna ilahaina adna ikhad'. 'Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, is one Lord'....

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