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99 Names of Allah (swt) nasheed by Omar Esa

My nasheed on the 99 beautiful names of Almighty ALLAH (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Animated video. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, and whoever preserves them will enter Paradise."

Source: Sahih Muslim 2677

Nasheed can be bought from iTunes or for outside England buyers

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99 Names of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)

Sang by Omar Esa

Produced by Omar Esa and Gareth Redfarn

Mixed and mastered at Acton Studios

1] Ar - Rahman = the all compassionate

2] Ar - Rahim = the all merciful

3] Al - Malik = the absolute ruler

4] Al - Quddus = the pure one

5] As - Salam = the source of peace

6] Al - Mu'min = the inspirer of faith

7] Al -- Muhaymin = the guardian

8] Al -- Aziz = the victorious

9] Al -- Jabbar = the compeller

10] Al -- Mutakabbir = the greatest

11] Al -- Khaliq = the creator

12] Al -- Bari = the maker of order

13] Al -- Mussawir = the shaper of beauty

14] Al -- Ghaffar = the forgiving

15] Al -- Qahhar = the subduer

16] Al -- Wahaab = the giver of all

17] Ar -- Razaaq = the sustainer

18] Al -- Fattah = the opener

19] Al -- Alim = the knower of all

20] Al -- Qabid = the constrictor

21] Al -- Basit = the reliever

22] Al -- Khafid = the abaser

SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah - Glory be to Allah, All praise is to Allah, there is no god but Allah

23] Ar -- Rafi = the exalter

24] Al -- Mu'izz = the bestower of honours

25] Al -- Mudhill = the humiliator

26] As -- Sami = the hearer of all

27] Al -- Basir = the seer of all

28] Al -- Hakam = the judge

29] Al -- Adl = the just

30] Al -- Latif = the subtle one

31] Al -- Khabir = the all aware

32] Al -- Halim = the forebearing

33] Al -- Azim = the magnificent

34] Al -- Ghafur = the forgiver & hider of faults

35] Ash -- Shakur = the rewarder of thankfulness

36] Al -- Ali = the highest

SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah - Glory be to Allah, All praise is to Allah, there is no god but Allah

37] Al -- Kabir = the greater

38] Al -- Hafiz = the preserver

39] Al -- Muqit = the nourisher

40] Al -- Hasib = the accounter

41] Al -- Jalil = the mighty

42] Al -- Karim = the generous

43] Ar -- Raqib = the watchful one

44] Al -- Mujib = the responder to prayer

45] Al -- Wasi = the all comprehending

46] Al -- Hakim = the perfectly wise

47] Al -- Wadud = the loving one

48] Al -- Majid = the majestic one

49] Al -- Ba'ith = the resurrector

50] Ash -- Shahid = the witness

51] Al-h Haqq = the truth

52] Al -- Wakil = the trustee

53] Al -- Qawi = the possessor of all strength

54] Al -- Matin = the forceful one

55] Al -- Wali = the governor

56] Al -- Hamid = the praised one

57] Al -- Muhsi = the appraiser

58] Al -- Mubdi = the originator

59] Al -- Mu'id = the restorer

60] Al -- Muhyi = the giver of life

61] Al -- Mumit = the taker of life

62] Al -- Hayy = the ever living one

63] Al -- Qayyum = the self existing one

64] Al -- Wajid = the finder

65] Al -- Majid = the glorious

66] Al - Wahid = the only one

67] Al -- Ahad = the one

68] As -- Samad = the satisfier of all needs

69] Al -- Qadir = the all powerful

SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah - Glory be to Allah, All praise is to Allah, there is no god but Allah

70] Al -- Muqtadir = the creator of all power

71] Al - Muqaddim = the expediter

72] Al -- Mu'akhkir = the delayer

73] Al -- awwal = the first

74] Al -- Akhir = the last

75] Az -- Zahir = the manifest one

76] Al -- Batin = the hidden one

77] Al -- Wali = the protecting friend

78] Al -- Muta'ali = the supreme one

79] Al -- Barr = the doer of good

80] At -- Tawwib = the guider to repentance

81] Al -- Muntaqim = the avenger

82] Al -- Afu = the forgiver

83] Ar -- Rauf = the clement

84] Malik al Mulk = the owner of all

85] Dhul Jalali wal Ikram = the lord of majesty & bounty

86] Al -- Muqsit = the equitable one

87] Al -- Jami = the gatherer

88] Al -- Ghani = the rich one

89] Al -- Mughni = the enricher

90] Al -- Mani = the preventer of harm

91] Ad -- Darr = the creator of the harmful

92] An -- Nafi = the creator of good

93] An -- Nur = the light

94] Al -- Hadi = the guide

95] Al -- Badi = the originator

96] Al -- Baqi = the everlasting one

97] Al -- Warith = the inheritor of all

98] Ar -- Rashid = the righteous teacher

99] As - Sabur = the patient one

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