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11 - The Believer And The Disbeliever

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Give them the example; there were two men, one of these men we gave him two gardens, what were these two gardens of? Grapes and grapes are the most precious and the most prized fruit, grapes are the most delicate, they are of the most expensive fruits, so allah gave him of the best fruits, not just one garden, two gardens, what else? And we made a border around the grape trees with date palm trees, the delicate trees were in the middle and the strong protective trees formed a border around it, so the garden has been positioned in a manner that is the most beneficial for the man, so allah blessed him with not one but two of these luxurious gardens and between these two gardens there were yet other crops, both of these two gardens would always yield maximum output,

So one day he was conversing with his friend, his companion, I have more money than you and I have more children, not just more but I have more Nobel children, my family is mightier, I have better status than you, throughout all of this, allah says we, we, we, we gave him to him, and we caused and we, now the man cuts off all of the we gave and he ascribes it to I, he becomes boastful and arrogant, he becomes full of his own hot ego that because I have more this means I am mightier, I have better than you and this causes his haughtiness to get the better of him and he becomes to get arrogant and we know the sin of arrogance is of the worst sins of Islam.

Now what is the response of his brother, of his friend, the companion responded, notice here his friend has just been insulted and the height of insults, notice this man is silent when he’s being insulted, but when the man begins to insult allah swt, he cannot stand that, when allah swt is mocked, when the day of judgement is denied that is when he opens his mouth, because that is when his Eeman gets the better of him, how can you be so thankless, are you so ungrateful to the one who created.

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