10 Ways to Earn the Love of Allah - Salem Al-Amry
13 years ago
10 Ways to Earn the Love of Allah By Salem Al-Amry recorded on 20/8/2008 at the Islam Bradford center.
Almighty Allah said : "Say (O Muhammad -Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to mankind) : "if you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept islamic monotheism, follow the Qur'an and Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Qur'an 3:31.
Salem Al Aamry is based in UAE. A committed Da'ee, he also has two degrees to his credit, one in electronic engineering and the other in computer science.
He studied Deen under various scholars in the traditional way for many years, including:- * Sheikh Ali Khash-shan (One of the senior students of Sheikh Albany) (Aqidah) * Sheikh Mahmood 'Atiyyah (Also one of the senior students of Sheikh Albany) (Aqidah) * Sheikh Abdul-Bary As-Salafi (Hadith) * Sheikh Hamad bin Aqil (Judge from KSA) (Fiqh Bulugh Al-Maram) * Sheikh Saad Ash-Shalaby (Judge from KSA) (Mawarith Inheritance) * Sheikh Mustafa Al-Makki Al-Azhari may Allah have mercy on him (Fiqh) * Sheikh Al Maimoni Al-Maghribi (Judge Morocco - Arabic Language sciences) * Sheikh Ahmad Salah Al-Masri (Senior student of Sheikh Muqbil may Allah have mercy on him) (Aqidah) * Sheikh Muhammad Samy Moqbil (Student of Sheikh Hudhaifi - Medina - Tafsir and Tajwid) * Sheikh Sayed Hadi Bin Ahmad Al-Haddar (Mufti of Comoros) (Sahih Muslim)
By the grace and mercy of Allah, Islam Bradford has grown to a full featured Islamic Centre over the past few years. As the Centre grows, so grows the cost for maintenance and new activities.
We plan to expand our centre to include even more information and services for the benefit of the people of Bradford. To do this, we humbly request your financial help. For those of you, who are blessed by Almighty Allah, please contribute to our projects for a great reward in the Hereafter.
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Almighty Allah said : "Say (O Muhammad -Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to mankind) : "if you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept islamic monotheism, follow the Qur'an and Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Qur'an 3:31.
Salem Al Aamry is based in UAE. A committed Da'ee, he also has two degrees to his credit, one in electronic engineering and the other in computer science.
He studied Deen under various scholars in the traditional way for many years, including:- * Sheikh Ali Khash-shan (One of the senior students of Sheikh Albany) (Aqidah) * Sheikh Mahmood 'Atiyyah (Also one of the senior students of Sheikh Albany) (Aqidah) * Sheikh Abdul-Bary As-Salafi (Hadith) * Sheikh Hamad bin Aqil (Judge from KSA) (Fiqh Bulugh Al-Maram) * Sheikh Saad Ash-Shalaby (Judge from KSA) (Mawarith Inheritance) * Sheikh Mustafa Al-Makki Al-Azhari may Allah have mercy on him (Fiqh) * Sheikh Al Maimoni Al-Maghribi (Judge Morocco - Arabic Language sciences) * Sheikh Ahmad Salah Al-Masri (Senior student of Sheikh Muqbil may Allah have mercy on him) (Aqidah) * Sheikh Muhammad Samy Moqbil (Student of Sheikh Hudhaifi - Medina - Tafsir and Tajwid) * Sheikh Sayed Hadi Bin Ahmad Al-Haddar (Mufti of Comoros) (Sahih Muslim)
By the grace and mercy of Allah, Islam Bradford has grown to a full featured Islamic Centre over the past few years. As the Centre grows, so grows the cost for maintenance and new activities.
We plan to expand our centre to include even more information and services for the benefit of the people of Bradford. To do this, we humbly request your financial help. For those of you, who are blessed by Almighty Allah, please contribute to our projects for a great reward in the Hereafter.
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For more information on regular lectures taking place in the in the north of England. uk. please go to -
http://www.dawahnorth.org/ Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/TheMimbar
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