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08 - The Story Of Ezra [Uzair] AS

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prophet uzair went passed this village and that village is to belong to the people of the children of Israel and that village had been destroyed, it’s been destroyed, it’s been cut down it street, the houses of that village had been destroyed and demolished, so uzair as went passed that village and he was amazed to see the state of that village after it was a vibrant and alive village, it’s been destroyed and the people are no longer living and the inhabitant of that village are no longer there, so he said to himself how would allah swt revive this village and bring it back to life the way it used to be, Not that he’s doubting allah swt will do so but he is just asking that question where this village used to be at and where this village is now, allah swt wanted a miracle to appear, he had with him his donkey and he had some food, some of the scholars say it was a bunch of grapes and a bit of bread, so he sat nearby that village looking at that village from far, so amazed, so shocked to see the state of that village and the condition of that village so he ate some of the grapes he had and ate some of the bread and then he rested under the tree and he rested early in the morning and then he slept, Allah swt wanted a miracle to appear, allah swt made uzair sleep for one hundred years, he slept for one full century then allah swt resurrected him, he didn’t die, uzair found himself awake in the afternoon, so he thought he slept maybe half a day or maybe a day or two, allah swt sent to him an angel in which this angel will ask him and obviously the angel came in the appearance of a human being, he said to him: how long did you sleep for, he said I slept maybe a day or half a day, so this angel will say to him you slept for one hundred years.

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