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Creation (Ep. 2) - Bringing Islamic History to Life | Subtitled

If you find an iPhone, Blackberry, in the middle of the desert and raised the question how did this come to be? Few possibilities arise, one being it came by chance. The oil within the desert ground melted to form plastic and the sand melted to form glass and the silicon and somehow by random process you find your friends numbers on its contacts. What is the best explanation for this phone in the middle of the desert? Random chance or design and purpose? The best explanation is design; the ‘chance’ hypothesis is not a rational hypothesis. The probabilities are so improbable, to use them as an argument or explanation will deem this conversation pointless. It’s like saying to an atheist ‘I no longer believe my mother is mother, I believe she was born on Pluto and flew to Earth on a pink elephant’. The Atheist will say ‘you are crazy’ but you can reply with; ‘there is a chance!’ If you take this example of the Phone in the desert and use it on the universe, which is far more complicated then we have only one explanation. The universe has design, therefore a designer!

A Project in collaboration with Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Audio courtesy Bayyinah Youtube Channel:

Yaqeen Institute:
Sheikh Omar Suleiman Fb Page:
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About The Series:
From the creation of the universe to Adam and Eve to the present day, we are inheritors of the richest history, full of glorious and never ending tales. Our Islamic history is filled with countless lessons which we can benefit from and implement in our daily lives.

The amazing thing is that this glorious history of ours is preserved yet SADLY only few people benefit from it. Our goal is to change that by presenting our beautiful history and its lessons in the most attractive way which will reach the masses.

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