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The Jesus Debate: Who is Jesus? Metaphor, Prophet or Son of God? ( Crossfire Session - 2 of 3 )

What do you believe about Jesus?

Is he a good man? Is he a prophet? Or is he, as Christians believe, actually divine?

What do Muslims believe about Jesus? Is he a prophet or more than a prophet?

Why is it important to understand the differences between the Christian and Islamic views of Jesus?

Representing the Muslim perspective was Shabir Ally: Shabir Ally has earned a B.A. in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature, and an M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis.

He is now in his third year of Ph.D studies in Quranic Exegesis at the University of Toronto.

Shabir is the president of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International in Toronto where he functions as Imam.

He travels internationally to represent Islam in public lectures and interfaith dialogues.

He explains Islam on a weekly television program called "Let the Quran Speak

Representing the Christian side was Rev. Tony Costa: Rev. Tony Costa has earned a B.A. and an M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto.

He is currently a Ph.D candidate with the University of Pretoria.

Tony has been a guest on various television programs such as 100 Huntley Street, the Michael Coren Live Show, the Arlene Bynon Show on Prime Time, and On The Line with Christine Williams.

Representing the Atheist side was Dr. Christopher diCarlo; Dr. diCarlo is a Philosopher of Science and Ethics whose interests in cognitive evolution have taken him into the natural and social sciences. His personal research focuses on how and why humans reason, think, and act the way they do.

He is interested in how and why the human brain has evolved to its current state and what cross-cultural and cross-species behaviour can provide insight into universally common modes of reasoning. He is also interested in the application of neuroscience (specifically fMRI work), in an effort to better understand psychoneuroendocrine feedback looping in problem solving.

Dr. diCarlo is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology where he teaches Critical Thinking, Bioethics, and other courses. His most recent book (just released by McGraw-Hill Ryerson) is entitled: How to Become a Really Good Pain in the Ass: A Practical Guide to Thinking Critically.

He is also a past Visiting Research Scholar at Harvard University in the Department of Anthropology and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology where he conducted research for two books he is currently writing called: The Comparative Brain: The Evolution of Human Reasoning and The Evolution of Religion: Why Many Need to Believe in Deities, Demons, and the Unseen.

The Topic of Debate: Who is Jesus? Metaphor, Prophet or Son of God?

Shabir Ally (


Tony Costa (


Dr. Christopher diCarlo (

( University of Ontario Institute of Technology,Ontario, Canada February 9, 2012 )

Did Jesus rise from the dead Christianity Christ Resurrection Debate Death Bible Islam Qur'an Quran Crucifiction or Crucifixion God Muhammad Allah Mike Liocna Shabir Ally Gospels Nabeel Qureshi Acts17 Scripture Evidence Evidences Proofs Disciples Michael Licona Yusuf Ismail Ali Ataie The Jesus Debate Who is Metaphor Prophet Son of God Messiah Tony Costa Christopher DiCarlo Shabir Ally Isa Esa Quran Truth Koran Bible university College Dan Carter Campus Church Skeptics Symposium Muslim Student Association MSA Oshawa JesusLIFE God Allah Islam Qur'an Exist Existence Science Reason Logic Missionary Quran Dawah Scientific Proselytizing Evolution Da'wah Cosmology Cosmological Society Godless Agnosticism Atheist Atheism lecture Agnostic Skeptic Atheists Proof Evidence Evidences Debate Dr Christopher diCarlo Shabir Ally

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