“My Master, I appeal to You of my weakness..." - Sh. Omar Suleiman
9 years ago
There is a concept that glory comes to this Ummah through approaching only the movers and shakers of society. But The Prophet (pbuh) said we are provided for in accordance with how we view the weak in our society. It is a complete paradigm shift and provides a road map to gaining the help of the Creator. It also stretches far beyond financially supporting the weak.
For all ICNA-MAS Convention (2015), please visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChOvaDzY_AVnCijNVQBcvCV-XnbRZ05i
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For all ICNA-MAS Convention (2015), please visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLChOvaDzY_AVnCijNVQBcvCV-XnbRZ05i
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Phone: 718-658-1199
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