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Six Circumstances in which Backbiting is Permitted – Dr Zakir Naik

Six Circumstances in which Backbiting is Permitted – Dr Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: Backbiting of course is prohibited irrespective whether in Ramadhaan or outside Ramadhaan, however would a woman who complains to her husband about her mother in law, will she be considered as a person who has backbited?

Dr. Zakir: Regarding back biting being haraam and it’s a major sin we discussed in the last episode and there are various Hadith and Quranic verses, its one of the major sins but as far as a wife complaining to the husband regarding the mother in law, but natural, she is speaking something about the mother in law which the mother in law would not like anyone speaking about her so it does come in the category of back biting. ‘Is it a sin’ is the question.

Such incidences where a person complains to someone and thinks and feels that once the complain is given to the person may be there is a correction in the action like a wife complains to the husband about the mother in law or the wife complaining to the husband about her son that he is doing so and so things which are wrong so the husband will correct being the father of the child or may be one of the two brothers is going and complaining to the father that my brother did so and so thing which is wrong. It’s speaking ill about him behind but that is so that the father can correct the brother.

So these things have been permitted because the main reason while doing this thing should not be to mock at someone or should not be to belittle anyone but the main purpose should be that the person who the person is complaining about there should be correction in the act.

And if you read the commentary of Imam An Nawawi as far as the Hadith of

Sahih Muslim (Vol. no. 4 Book of Birr Was Silaah) which we discussed in the last episode Hadith no. 6265 in which the Prophet (peace be upon him), he said that

“Do you know what is back biting? And the Sahabas said that “The messenger knows the best.” So the Prophet said that “If someone speaks about another person behind the back which he would not like that’s called as backbiting.” And the Sahaba asked “What if I am speaking about the person is true?” The Prophet said “Then it will be called as back biting, if it’s false it will be called as slandering.”

So based on this the commentary of this Hadith according to Imam An Nawawi, he said that backbiting, Gheebat, in 6 conditions it’s permitted

No. 1 he says is that if something is told to a ruler of the land or to a judge, complaining against the act of another human being who has done wrong to the person. May be he has stolen some wealth from you, taken your property away or has done injustice to you so if you go and complain to a ruler or to a judge against another human being, another Muslim this is permitted because you want the wrong to be undone. So in such cases Gheebah is permitted

Category no. 2 that if you complain to someone who you feel that person has an influence on the person who has done evil act or a sin and you feel that he will stop doing that evil act, you are permitted. For example if you know of a friend who is very close to a person who has done an evil act or who has done a sin and if you tell that your friend has done so and so, so and so thing or is drinking alcohol and you feel that he has an influence on the other person and he can prevent him from doing the sin, its permitted to do Geebah...

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