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The Muslim Ummah is One - Dr Zakir Naik

The Muslim Ummah is One - Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah!
Bashir Sattar: Walaikum Salam wa Rehmatullh.

Questioner: Bismillah Hir Rehmaan hir Raheem. I just wanted to ask about the meaning of the Hadith from Sahih Muslim Ummatul Wahadah, the Muslim Ummah is one Ummah at the exclusion of all others. Their land is one, their war is one, their peace is one, their trust is one and is this Hadith relevant to us Muslims living in a non-Muslim society? whose armies are killing Muslims, expelling them from their homes and fighting them as we speak.

Dr. Zakir: The sister wants me to throw some light on the Hadith of the prophet Muhammad (saws) that the Muslim is one ummah irrespective whether you are living… and there are various Ahadith the prophet said that its like one body and if one part of the body is hurt then all the rest of the body is also is in pain so in that context as far as the Muslim Ummah is concerned irrespective whether you are living whether in a Muslim society or a non-Muslim society whether you are living in UK or America or Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Ummah is one. And if one part of the Ummah is hurt it’s the duty as far as possible whatever the ability a person has got we should see to it that he helps. So there are various situations for example if you know that there is one part of the Muslim Ummah which is poor or doesn’t have enough resources to feed themselves, its the duty of other part of the Ummah to see to it that they give them whether it be from Zakaat money or from Sadaqa money, whatever it is so that they help the other part of the Muslim Ummah.

Now we know the scenario is such that we find that certain portion of the Muslim Ummah, they are being attacked, they are being harmed so whatever capacity we have and whatever ability we have got its the duty that we as Muslims, as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that “If you find anything evil, the best is to stop it with your hand, If you cannot stop it with your hand then stop it with your tongue, if you cannot stop it with your tongue, the least you can do is curse in your heart and then if you do that you are the lowest level of a Muslim.”

So when you see anything wrong if you can stop it with your hand, do it, If you cannot stop it with your hand then try and stop it with your tongue, If you can’t do that much at least curse in your heart. If you find something is happening may be a robbery is taking place, If Allah has given you the ability, go and stop it with your hand, if you feel that person... they have got more strength, you are a lean person and they are 10 of them at least try and stop it with your tongue “Please Mr. don’t rob.” If you can’t do that at least curse in your heart. Now depending upon the ability that we have got, we have to do that. Now we find unfortunately the scenario that we have that especially after 9/11 we know that what happened in 9/11 was wrong.

Allah clearly mentions in Surah Ma’idah ch. 5 verse no. 32 that

“if anyone kills any other human being whether Muslim or non-Muslim unless it be for murder or for creating corruption in the land it is as though he has killed the whole of humanity.”

So killing any innocent human being is Haraam. So what happened in 9/11 more than 3,000 or 5,000 people were killed, innocent people, it is to be condemned. Who did it? I don’t know. The media says XYZ, I don’t know. But whoever did it, it is wrong...

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