Quran Compilation & Accomplishments | Yaser Birjas #MASCON2018
6 years ago
The greatest gift Othman ever gave the ummah was the compilation of the Quran which we read to this day. What was the process of the preservation of the Quran like? What is the significance of this process and why is it important today? Othman bin Affan was known to have an exemplary relationship with the Quran. We will take a step back and discuss how our relationship with the Quran is today and practical steps to improve it.
The Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is one of the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America. The convention takes place in Chicago, Illinois every December during the winter holiday season.
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The opinions expressed herein by the guest speakers at the MAS-ICNA Convention are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Muslim American Society (MAS) or the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).
The Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is one of the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America. The convention takes place in Chicago, Illinois every December during the winter holiday season.
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The opinions expressed herein by the guest speakers at the MAS-ICNA Convention are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Muslim American Society (MAS) or the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).